Holoxica at Scottish Photonics Reception
On Tuesday 2 May 2017, Holoxica exhibited at the Scottish Photonics Reception that was organised by Technology Scotland and Fraunhofer Centre for Applied Photonics. The event was held at the Holyrood Scottish Parliament. Holoxica was among the 110 industry and academic representatives who gathered to celebrate the Scottish Photonics sector and discuss future possibilities.
““The event tonight has been a real showcase of Scotland’s Photonics capabilities. It is exciting to see so many here promoting the sector and hugely enjoyable to reconnect with familiar faces across the industry. Scotland has a long history of global leadership in photonics, and there is a growing and vibrant eco-system of laser and optoelectronics companies. It’s an exciting time to work in this area, and with the new impetus provided to the community through Technology Scotland, I’m confident we’ll continue to see more success in the coming years”.”
Anna and Javid from Holoxica, showing their holographic video display and digital holograms. Photo courtesy of Technology Scotland.
“ “Photonics based companies in Scotland enjoy some £1.5Bn in revenues, and tonight we throw down the challenge to the community and all stakeholders to double the sector within five years. This ambitious target can be made possible by leveraging Scotland’s world leading research and manufacturing capabilities, coupled with the support available through organisations such as Technology Scotland. We call on the entire community to come together and join us as a member so we can collectively begin to identify and address the challenges and barriers to make this happen”.”
Anna and Javid from Holoxica, showing their digital holograms. Photo courtesy of Technology Scotland.